lung n. 1.肺脏,肺。 2.(无脊椎动物的)呼吸器官。 3.【医学】辅助呼吸的装置。 4.〔pl.〕 〔英国〕可供呼吸新鲜空气的地方。 an iron lung【医学】铁肺,人工呼吸器。 at the top of one's lungs 用最高嗓子。 have good lungs 声音大。 the lungs of London 伦敦市内的肺〔指公园等绿化空旷地方〕。 try one's lungs 使尽嗓子叫。
Most people with lung abscess will be found to have periodontal disease . 多数肺脓肿患者可发现有牙周病。
Other causes of unconsciousness predisposing to aspiration lung abscess are convulsive seizures . 造成吸入性肺脓肿昏迷的其他原因,有惊厥发作。
Lung abscesses , if large enough , will contain liquefied necrotic material and purulent exudate that often results in an air - fluid level by chest radiograph in the abscess 如果肺脓肿足够大,将包含液化坏死物质和脓性渗出物,因此胸片上显示脓肿的气-液平面。